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Reply to "T. countertransference & My transference Problem"

Hi Flicka, and Welcome!
You'll find that this is a great place to get support for feelings such as this, since most of us have strong attachment feelings toward our therapist. Also, I just wanted to let you know that no one here judges whether or not you have feelings toward a male or female (I noticed that you are putting "they"). There are a lot of people here who are gay/lesbian or bi or straight and have sexual feelings toward their same gendered therapist or opposite gendered therapist regardless of their own sexual orientation. It's okay, whatever it is. And, if you don't feel comfortable talking about it, that's okay, too. When you do feel comfortable with it, we'll be okay with it.

(Holly, I have to do it again. I think we're twins or something separated at birth, because I almost always agree with you.)
I agree with Holly, take your time with it. You will know when the time is right to bring up the subject. Or, you can test the waters with small questions, like asking your therapist how he/she deals with transference issues. I waited almost a year before spilling my guts to my T (By the time that I started talking about this stuff, I had been seeing her close to 2 years), and I'm glad that I did, because through that time, I dealt with a lot of other issues that allowed me to be able to face this deeper issue that has to do with my attachment wounds. Also, it gave me a chance to get to know my T better and for her to get to know me. When it was time, I somehow knew it. It just burned inside of me until I finally talked about it. Since then, it's been hard to talk about anything else with her, so I'm glad that we worked through a lot of other issues first.

Good luck to you. Keep us posted!
