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Reply to "T. countertransference & My transference Problem"

Hi Flicka ..

I laughed when you said that you tell yourself to shut up. All I could imagine was seeing you do that in a mall or something LMAO Wink I'm sure people would only think you had turrets LOL that's not so bad is it? Razzer

I don't have to worry about C/T because there isn't any from my P .. she's str8 ... whats with that. Not to mentions she's 25yrs my senior, and just mentioning a relationship with that age gap in here will get you strung up and stoned by the town folk! LMAO THAT WAS A JOKE THOSE OF YOU THAT KNOW WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT .. come on laugh it off!! Big Grin Besides any reasonable person knows taht it's not ethical to have a sexual relationship with their DR. but fantasizing never killed anyone .. has it?

I have to get to be my wife is yelling at me for staying up all night talking to you people! You are all a bad influence on me!!!

Be well! Holly