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Reply to "T said she would check in with me today and didn't... UPDATE"

Hi Jillian,

So nice to hear from you
It was hard to reach out for support...and trust me, I've been fighting doing something bad since. Thank you for your response. Yes, I can call or text her anytime outside of session but I just can't quite bring myself to do it. You know that whole struggle thing...the push pull. I have that mindset of "forget it...I don't need her anyway. She will text me eventually b/c she needs to confirm Monday's appointment and then I just won't respond!"....yeah the little child in me. Ugggg. I need some more time to sit on it and then I'm sure I can do the adult thing...hopefully. She is a very good T, very in tune with me and usually pretty dependable. everyone is human I guess...that child in me is just screaming though!