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Reply to "T Thinks I Need to "Take a Break""

[QUOTEThe rational part of me thinks yes, could be a good thing, but the other part of me (the one with the abandonment/rejection issues) is thinking what the...
I'm really confused and scared about the whole thing. I'm not sure about going it alone just yet.

Hi, MP, It seems that maybe you should tell your T directly that his suggestion, and the thought of taking a break is bringing up these feelings of abandonment/rejection. It is really scary to even think about taking a break, so I can just imagine how you must feel.

Your T probably is trying to push for independence, and took a look at where he felt you were at. Bcause you felt safe, those feeling of fear of the abandonment/rejection might not have been at the forefront before he brought this up this idea. Perhaps after he sees and hears how distressing the thought of a break is at this time, he will see that these are issues that you can face together with more time.
