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Reply to "Talking to ducks"


What your T had you doing sounds a lot like Family Constellations Work, which my T had me do a couple months ago. We only have done it two times so far. And yes, it was VERY unusual. But he had me repeating things to the figurines, which, in my case, were wooden cut out people that I could pick from. He also had things called "metas" that I could include in the constellation...things like hope, health, shame, guilt, etc.

The whole experience really affected me because I kept thinking about it days upon days afterwards. The second time I did it, it didn't seem quite so unusual. I told myself it is probably a type of modality that gets easier to accept over time. (I remember thinking--c'mon...really? Talking to dolls???) But, I researched it and did find that it is a theraputic technique. You can Google it, too and find the research.

Good Luck with your theraputic journey.
