The following is a test message from the Emergency Wynnecasting System. This is only a test.
Okay, this is all like throwin' down the gauntlet in here and all, and but I thought I'd ask a question about this whole purpose-of-therapist/therapy thing.
So, some folks say that our therapy is all about some sort of recapitulative experience, capturing a secure attachment we haven't known 'cause our parents were ....our parents, letting us see patterns that we've fallen into that we don't like 'cause of early learned habits, and whatnot.
Are there other possible reasonable answers to "what is therapy for?" Does it have to be about attachment, or some parent thing? Surely we're all past that.
I guess at base I'm railing against the idea that I'm the way I am now - even if I'm not happy or in trouble - because of something that my parents didn't do that I never even knew I missed.
And thousands of generations before me seem to have gotten by without the help of this recently-generated profession.
Surely I don't _really_ need to go through all the bother, worry, time, expense of finding one that 'fits' me, that isn't doing truly crazy things in private practice, that's ethical, that respects boundaries, creates them and holds them, helps me be an agent in my own creation... it's a bit ridiculous. I haven't put this much effort into _dating_. And now I'm trying to find a 'match' for a health professional??
It's just that sometimes it's like I'm an alient looking down in on what's going on, and the process seems so... (alien) um, ridiculous. I have friends, I'm good at keeping them, I can hold down a job... surely I don't need this.
This was a test of the Emergency Wynnecasting System. The posters of your area in voluntary cooperation with federal, state, and local authorities have developed this system to keep you informed in the event of a Wynnecast. If this had been an actual emergency, the post you just read would have been followed by far more expletives.