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Reply to "Therapy. Silly, silly therapy."

Originally posted by woodensoul:
I definitely need therapy or some sort of help. My problems have crippled me.

Unfortunately, this is how I feel, too.


I think your skepticism is healthy. It's what my T would call a 'complaint.' After all, you are the consumer here, and you should expect something for your time and money.

For me, I started seeing a therapist because I had crippling anxiety attacks and wanted (want) to get to the bottom of them once and for all. Believe me, I did NOT start therapy out of some deep and abiding desire to discover myself. Hell no. I figured I'd see this dude once a week for a couple of months and my anxiety problems would be history. Yeah, I was a bit off on that one.

As for the it's-all-the-parents'-fault thing, I don't think it's a matter of assigning blame. However, at least for me, it's important to look at these people in order to figure out who and why I am, and in the course of doing this, I am discovering some really startling things, and most of them ain't good. It's hard to know yourself without knowing who you came from. At least for me. It's more about gathering the facts.

There are times when I think that the whole thing is BS and I become furious that after after 9 months of seeing my T mulitple_times_a_week I still live with this wretched fog of fear much of the time. But I know I have a good T, and I know I have a boatload of crap to work through, so I'm sticking with it for now.

Bottom line: it's healthy to question the role of therapy for you, and god knows it's HARD to find the right doc, so don't beat yourself up for ranting a little on the value of this whole, weird thing.
