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Reply to "Totally confused after 18 years?"

Smiler Hey there SD

I wasn't around until after this topic had ceased to be commented on, and there was no way I would have been in a place to be able to comment even if I had been here, and probably still couldn't even today.

I'm really glad to hear that you are doing better and that all of these people were here to offer you the support you needed at the time. Kudos to you for sticking it out and continuing on your journey to well being (if that even exists). I can't imagine starting all over with someone after only 9 months, let alone after so many years!

I've appreciated your posts to me, so I just wanted to pop in and give you a little support too .. even though I have nothing valid to share .. except my quote Cool

BTW your dog is beautiful! I have 2 dal's that are my sounding boards (I can't cuddle them too much and get the closeness because I'm allergic to them Roll Eyes, but they sure listen well).

We've all see what kind of an ASS (smart or otherwise) I can be lately, so I give you no exceptions to my ASSness hehehe ..... Can I say/ask something that is meant to be funny, but yet I'm seriously curious? Your MPD .. how can we be sure which of you is posting in the forum at any given moment? Just tell me to "you know what" if you don't find that question remotely funny!

Catch ya later! {{SD}}
