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Reply to "Totally confused after 18 years?"

Good Morning SD Smiler

I just have time to comments on the 1st post about the dogs before the girls and I head out on our hike this am.

I think that all dogs are cute, and they really do make the best friends and confidants (sp). Codie listens very attentively when I talk to her, and rests her lil head on my knee. Libby on the other hand has to have her head on my chest, grinning from ear to ear. I know she's not really listening to me talk, but is thinking to herself "Shut up and take me for a play", she sure makes me smile when nothing else can and that's what I love about her.

The picture of Libby on the snow, that was the lake this past winter. I think it was only -30 celcius that day so they weren't too cold Smiler They DO have coats, I'm not evil !! Well at least not to my girls. But when they have a coat on, they just walk and don't really play. So we had taken them off so the girls could run and chase eachother for a short while. They love open space and they go go go - Libby had just come back from chasing a snowmobile a VERY long way! LOL The girls won't move with boots .. they just stand and look at us like we are nuts!

One thing with Codie .. she won't go out AT all if it's raining even a drop! She will hold her toileting needs for days if she has to. So your lil dog hates the cold and my old fart hates the thought of her feet touching wet concrete or grass. But yet they LOVE swimming!! And they think I'M strange!!

Okay they are here looking at me so I have to fly - I'll check back and write in a few hours!

Be well! Holly