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Reply to "Transference Exercises"

I think if I came to every single session and said, "I want to talk about this transference thing and how I'm feeling about you right now," T would probably go with me on that. He keeps my transference map on top of the (large stack) of writing I share with him, and always smiles and says how good it is every time I see it. I cringe when I see it, so maybe that is why HE doesn't bring it up, because I'm just still so sensitive about the topic. I'm working up the nerve to ask him what he would say if I asked him to sit closer to me. I need to wait until I'm ready for him to have a boundary on that. Even if he could just be two or three feet away and next to me instead of five or six and across from me (with that "evil" table I have threatened to break) in between us, that would be better. He has sat on the floor with me (though he moved way to the other side of the room) and has shifted so we are more side-by-side. So, perhaps the only boundary is my not asking and him wanting it to be initiated by me. Ugh. I just feel like there is so much I cannot say across the "void." I have indicated all these feelings to him, but never directly asked him if he has a boundary about seating arrangements...