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Reply to "Transference Exercises"

Quell, ND...glad you have both found the sort of help I have here. Hearing that is what allows me to keep posting, even if it sometimes panics me.

ND - I made the map from my head in my car right before a session and never made a copy of it. I suppose I could ask him to dig through my file to find it, but I have a very large journal (340 pages, 1.15 spaced) that I have written for therapy over the last year and T has received nearly every entry, printed them and placed them in my file. So, that might be a lot to ask at this point, especially as I think he keeps the older stuff at home, because he commutes throughout the week.

Quell - It's great that you have your journal to catalog your journey. As I said above, I have one too. At first, I started writing descriptions of my session, talking about my T in the third person, but after a number of months and coming clean about the attachment, I started writing to him rather than about him. It felt so much more natural to me, sharing something with him that addressed the relationship directly rather than talking about him as if he wasn't a participant. Practicing that in my writing is one thing that allowed me to do it in person. Now if only I could manage to call the man by his name (or even is title) and make regular eye contact! I think I actually hold his hand longer in any given session than actually making eye contact, LOL. Wink