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Transference hell

I almost don't know where to begin.

I had a session on Friday where I began talking about an issue involving my husband T took it in a completely different direction than I was prepared for. I figured the session would be relatively light; instead, it touched off something so deeply painful that, by the end, I had pretty much shut down.

Basically, my T brought up the transference dynamic going on between us, which he's never done before in such a direct manner. He said, "I think you're struggling with your feelings. You see them as inappropriate, which, by the way, I do not." I think I about stopped breathing at that point. We went on discussing how I view myself and attitudes I project onto other people and how that's isolating me. The whole time he's talking, I keep imagining myself crawling into his arms. I had this crazy hemorrhaging feeling in my chest like I was bleeding out on the floor.

Then I mentioned my inner child and the state in which she is now. At this point, my T asked if there was anything in his office that would represent her to me so that we could talk to her. His voice when he asked was so tender and gentle that it shocked me. I told him I would have to think about it because I couldn't decide on the right object then. (Honestly, I don't think there is one.)

After that, I couldn't find words anymore, so I just sat and listened to him talk. But this powerful yearning for him kept washing over me until I could feel my heart beating in my throat. What unsettled me about this so bad is that this is the first time I've experienced this feeling while present with him in session. Usually, it only arises when I'm away from him. Before, the thought of touching him terrified me; on Friday, I almost touched his hand on purpose as I was preparing to leave.

Now I'm just a giant mess. I keep trying to convince myself that my feelings aren't real, that I'm just under some sort of crazy illusion, because I don't really know him - that everything I think about him is just stuff I've projected out of my head, and how can any of that be real? And even if it is, our relationship is only temporary and I just need to get over it now so "goodbye" won't hurt so much. I'm absolutely terrified to discuss touch with him because I just know he'll say that it would be bad for me, and it's his job to protect me, and that he doesn't really touch clients anyway...yada, yada, yada. All I will hear is pity and rejection. And I'm just about as terrified at the thought of either him or me actually talking to my inner child who, incidentally, hasn't been coherent in...God knows how long. It will be really intense and painful, and the deeper the pain, the stronger I will yearn for my T and the less I will be able to reason those feelings away or keep them out of the room. Gah!

I just don't know why I can't get over this humiliation.
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