Affinity please don't beat yourself up about being honest or open with your T. I don't know a lot about your background and your T may have his reasons. I also think that maybe he feels he just does not know you well enough. Some T's have an across the board policy which is probably better if they don't want to offer touch. I can totally understand his reaction making you feel "untouchable". I just think at this point you are not with him long enough and you may have to wait a bit before bringing up the conversation again. And yes, I know that you are saying "hell no never again" but it's important and deserves more discussion. I would definitely ask him why he feels that a businesslike handshake would be dangerous or harmful. Allow him to explain his views. Tell him it makes you feel untouchable.
All of what this topic evokes is worth discussing because you will access past feelings that need to be explored and processed. Oh and BTW, with my oldT I would verge on those erotic feelings when I was away from him but when I was with him I would just want to crawl into his lap or sit at his feet. With my current T I just have the child urges and not the erotic type ones... and that could be because I was so badly hurt by my oldT that those feelings have been suppressed as too dangerous. Jury is still out on that.