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Reply to "Transference II"

My T did not terminate me as a patient - I decided that I needed to talk to someone else. I have to also wonder how many other women patients my t has had feelings for in the past. Things that make you go hmm....

I really applaud you for that. It would have been so easy to just throw caution to the wind. Big Grin It is interesting that you wonder how many other women patients he may have had "feelings for." If that is true then it demonstrates that he has not worked out his own issues.

That brings me to comment on something else you said about "giving him credit for not lying to you." I suppose we should give credit where credit is due, but don't we all expect that our T's would not lie to us? The idea evades me as to why he allowed himself to experience these feelings for you 'over time' instead of taking the proactive approach himself as the professional. Let me say again that you at least handled that really well. Not to belittle the man in any way, mind you. I know very little and almost nothing about the whole of the circumstances and I am in no position to judge another, but I am commenting on only what you've slightly revealed.
