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Reply to "Transference II"

Hi Charlotte,
I'm sorry! I totally zoned and missed your post on your first meeting with your new T. I work for a software company and we're trying to get out a Beta release and releases are when my work load gets the heaviest, I'm working OT right now and I'm afraid it has a tendency to cut into my surfing time. I'm trying to check in but I'm buzzing through. I'm sorry I didn't notice it sooner.

It sounds like you have two incredible Ts. I can only imagine how painful it was to feel like you spoke up about your feelings and were punished for it, but I hope that you were able to take in what your new T said. Someone discussing your case for hours, and expressing the kind of admiration he did for the work that you are doing is NOT someone who doesn't care. As painful as it was, he did something very loving in referring you to another T, he made sure that the highest priority was your healing. I really hope that will be a comfort to you as you go through this.

And I love that your new T could hear that you are unhappy having to go to her and totally get it and not make it about her. I know this had been painful and scary and difficult (well, we are talking about therapy, aren't we? Wink) but it really sounds like you are in good hands and have not one, but two, caring therapists on your side.

Keep talking about it here and I promise I'll try not to miss any more posts. But if I'm MIA over the next couple weeks, please know its my schedule and not a lack of care on my part. I think I'm understanding Robin/Scott/Samy/Antoni et al a little better right now. Smiler
