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Reply to "Transference II"

Sprinting Gal,
I'm so glad you found that helpful, I was hoping I was really not out in left field.

I think its great you're going to discuss your dreams with your T. Dreams have always been important to me in therapy and often the beginning of me dealing with a new issue starts with having a dream about it.

The key to not falling into the same trap again and again is to work through the feelings with your T. It may involve her becoming a secure base, it may involve you having to mourn and let go of the things that you didn't have but the end will result in being able to integrate the strength you need within yourself and be capable of forming interdepenent relationships where you can get your needs met. You'll stop being driven by an unconscious agenda. I think you're totally on the right track. Please let me know how your appt goes!
