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Reply to "Transference II"

Ugh. I ran into Dr. X out in public this week. Need support!

I saw him first even though he was some distance away from me, then he saw me, stumbled, smiled, changed his posture, and put on his detached doctor face. I didn't smile and acted like I didn't care but a million feelings went through me: fear, excitement, lust, shame, embarrassment, and major vulnerability. I suddenly felt extremely exposed. We passed each other and he looked down at me somberly, saying, "How are you." We both kept going and I said, "Good" over my shoulder. Then I had the urge to run away as fast and as far as I could.

I talked to my T about it the day it happened but she didn't have much insight. She tells me that "it is like having a crush on a celebrity because you will never know him."