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Reply to "Transference II"

I am not fearful of him literally breaking confidentiality. It is a little more abstract than that.

I am trying to take responsibility for my own projections here, I really am. HOWEVER, it is a fact that he has blurred the boundaries between us already. While nothing patently improper has happened, I believe it is impossible to go back. He cannot act like he is present and sincerely cares about me one time, then detached and icy the next and expect me to not feel confused, vulnerable, or threatened. There is no consistency so I, in fact, do not "know" who I am dealing with! Am I dealing with a detached doctor who is trying to cure my illness or an emotionally engaged man who wants to save me?

Geez, this is more complicated than I initially realized. I thought it was all me and now I don't believe that.