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Reply to "Transference II"

I think it is important to discuss it. When she talks about doing stuff with her duaghters i wish i was the daughter that she was doing things with.
I yearn for it. Is that wrong?

Emerald, I don't think that's wrong at all. I think it's quite natural to have those feelings for our T's. And just so you know, I have told my T I have these feelings. That I wish I was her daughter, I wish I could be her "little" girl and sit on her lap. And she accepts these expressions just fine. Her acceptance feels so validating.

Once during session I was crying and I told her I wish she could hold me. She told me to imagine her holding me. To do so in her presence was quite different, but she accepted it and encouraged it.

I think we all resist getting close. It is our experience that closeness means danger. But with our T's we learn it means something safe and acceptable.

Perhaps the best way to say it is to express that you do not want to act on it, but that you have some feelings about her that you really need to discuss. Some of us have written letters and emails that we send to them before our sessions when we have something too troubling to say in person, but we know we need to express. Then when we go to our next session it’s already on the table.

I hope this helps. Smiler