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Reply to "Transference II"


Thanks for asking. Actually, it did and it didn't go so well. I mean, she was great as always, but we didn't end up talking about what I wanted to talk about. (whatever that was!) There is something going on with my son and we ended up talking about that. I feel sort of down about it because I feel like I wasted time that is supposed to be for me, on my son. I know that doesn't sound like a very nice mom. I'm just so tired of dealing with his problems at the moment. Anyway, the way I need to look at it is that she did help me with my response/coping with his issues. So I guess it was still about me. She says I have "battle fatigue" in regards to his problems. I'll get over this, I'm just feeling sorry for myself.

The good thing is that I will be seeing her on Thursday. I have been going 2X's a week for the past few months because she felt that I needed more "containment." She was right because I couldn't make it the whole week without calling her and talking for another hour. I would rather talk to her in person than on the phone if I can. It has made my therapy much more intense, the transference more deep, but my progress much quicker. Even though I didn't think I got what I wanted, she knew what she was doing. I feel much better about the issue with my son and she gave me guidance in how to deal with him. He and I talked just a little while ago and I used all of her suggestions. It turned out well. Ok, I guess I'm done feeling sorry for myself. Big Grin
