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Reply to "Transference II"

Hello Guys,
I guess this is where I will jump back in the forum at...I know some of you know where I have been with my transference in the past...PL and LS...Thank God your T's understand you and you can confront them....When I confronted my Old Mr. T a couple months ago...He dismissed me at the next session...See Transference I (pg 9 posts 38, pg 12 post 37 to get the pre story) and Transference II pg 1 post 38 for the big blow up) I t was the biggest slap in the face I ever expereinced...but to beat it all...I can never tell my husband any of it...he would probably leave me....he is very old school...and very jealous...(of all 230 pounds of blubbering old fat I carry around!! lol) I really truley hated him for many weeks...but guess what?? I see another female T and I also see him every week in the office (just passing by) but he always speaks to me...and I speak to gets easier every week...I have made great strides with Ms. T...I know Mr. T is reading my work and keeping tabs on me and she told me 3 weeks ago that he was so proud of the success I was making... but guess again...I still love that man...guess I always will..but I see myself beginning to break away and although I see him every week and my heart flutters because I know he sees improvement in me...and I know he did the right help me get better...but I still hate him for a loving way!! I know that he is there, not seeing me...but seeing me...does that make sense?
And the most amazing thing is the people on this forum were there for me from the first moment I signed on!!! They helped me thru it and still help me thru crap when it piles up!!...They help me many times just talking to others..I take their words and put it in my own situation...hang tight...and posts your every need for information...somebody here has what you need to's just one of God's many blessings that he gives us!!
Oh my gosh JM....I just did it...remember the conversation we had about the transference rd? First you go down it, then you can lead others...thanks all my pals...It's getting easier for old Charlotte....and it ain't getting easier too!!!!! just have to be in the transference club to understand that one...LOL....
Talk to you all later...C.