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Reply to "Transference II"

I desperately want to feel like I am interesting, unique and special to my T whether it is for something good or bad. Do I stand out? Does she think of me during the week? It is all an attempt to balance out how special she is to me and how much I think about her.

Those are good questions River, have you considered coming right out and asking her? You may be pleasantly surprised at her answers.

My T actually mentioned that there are "idiosyncracies" to our relationship this week. This may be a leap, but I take what I can get and translate that to mean special.Big Grin eheh. "Idiosyncracies! She said we have idiosyncracies, gosh!" *blush* She has also told me that each of her clients enter her mind outside of therapy at different times including me. And that it's never "out of sight out of mind" kind of deal for her. It's sort of like someone who has more than one child (which you and I share the fact of having an only child, but can relate to anyway I think)They can love all their children equally while finding room for specialties in each of their relationships.