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Reply to "Transference II"

She doesn't usually work on Fridays and does personal stuff, but it really makes me feel good that she made the time to call me. It was a really good conversation and she really did lift my spirits and helped me to see things in a different way. She asked me what I was going to do this weekend to soothe myself. I said I didn't know because today was pretty much of a waste.

It isn't enough that it seems like we live parallel lives PL, but our T's do too? That or she is the same T. Eeker I wont ask where you live or where your T works. Only thing though, my T wouldn't suggest my husband and I go to dinner and a movie. Not that anything is wrong with that, I just don't see that coming from my T. Nor would she ask me to go either. Frowner My T also asked me about what I have done to self-soothe and suggested my recording as we already discussed in someone else's topic. Ssshh! Wink
Glad you thwarted that spiral!