Well guys - I told him and of course he didn't bat an eyelid!! I don't think I'd have felt bound to do it though if I hadn't spoken to you guys first. It really helps to have people around who do not think you are losing it!! If you haven't been through this stuff you really do not know what it's like. I don't even know if our T's know what it's like - the agony, the longing, the pain, the embarassemnt, the fear, the lying awake, the tears...sound familiar.
Anyway, I told him and told him how angry I am with him that he didn't warn me this was coming (ie all the attachment stuff) and that I felt I was operating with one and tied behind my back where he didn't. Turns out he didn't necessarily see it coming either and what I'm going through is 'rare' and 'courageous' and it's a question of holding my (our!)nerve.