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Reply to "Transference II"

Hello everyone! I'm new here, effective today. I have been googling 'transference' for weeks. I can barely stand myself with all of the obsessive thinking I've been doing, only to find out this is totally NORMAL! I can't thank all of you enough for all these posts, which I've been reading for hours and hours. I really thought I was losing my marbles.
I've been with my male therapist (age 39) for a year, I've had 27 visits, I'm a female age 33.
WOW do I have a crush. Huge, ridiculous. I'm now starting to experience thinking of him 20x a day, wondering if he likes certain songs/foods/locations. He's very married with 3 adorable children. He's never been inappropriate, ever.

The problem being is that we've never discussed transference, and I've done everything in my power to 'pretend' I'm not affected by him, or that I care or miss him or need him. I only have 4 sessions left (insurance) and I NEED to admit this, lay it on the table and unload. I'm so scared, I tried the past 3 sessions and we just had our normal chatty great time. I can't say it. I'm so ashamed.
SO, I'm going to write it. I've cut and pasted lots of good info to give me a base of what to say.
I guess my question here do you bring it up? What do you say? Do any of you have anything pre-written that might help me fess up?
Thanks so much.