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Reply to "Transference II"

Hi travelluvr! Welcome to the forum.

Chicken that I am I couldn't simply blurt out my feelings for my T out of the blue and then just sit there waiting for her reaction. For me, I find it easier to bring up something I have trouble talking about if I have an angle. Like you, I spent a lot of time trying to find out if other people were as infatuated with their T's as I am and I came across ShrinkLady's article and this forum which gave me an actual technical term for what I was feeling: "transference." Until I had that word I had no idea that it was so common and that a lot T's know how to work with it in ways that will help the work happen. So, now I had my angle and in my next session I brought up the whole thing by simply, innocently asking her what transference was? Of course, like most red-blooded T's she had to ask me first why I was asking and what I knew about it already. For me, being able to use a technical term to help me contain my intense personal feelings removed me just enough that I was able to talk about it. Kind of like talking about yourself in 3rd person. That really, really helps me get stuff out. I have even used "hypothetical situations" to get stuff out there. You can also start off small - no need to throw the whole enchilada out there all at once. Admit to something less threatening first and work your way up to the harder stuff. I guess it depends on whether or not you are a dive right in the pool kind of person or more the take one step at a time so you can acclimate to the cold water bit by bit. I am definitely more of the second kind of person.