Glad to have you aboard our "Transference Train" Hope you have gotten as much good advice from my friends as I have! If it was me in your situation.....I would suggest just telling him that "Since I only have 4 sessions left there is something I need to discuss with you because I don't know how I'm going to handle it if I don't!" It may even be cause for him to get an extension on your sessions. I'm not sure, but it is worth a try. It may seem that it doesn't bother you now...but when you don't see him every week....look's gonna hit you hard...Don't be afraid...discuss it straight out...chances are he already knows!!!...maybe there are others on the forum that have other suggestions...I know I was sorta in the same boat a few months didn't turn out like I wanted...but it was the best thing that could have to you soon...and keep posting...we all are here to help each other!!
Talk to you later...C