What caught my eye was you saying that you are afraid the relationship is "unhealthy". I think you feel depending on him is unhealthy because you say you want to cling to him. This is really normal, especially if you have not had the kind of caring and support your T offers in in your childhood. Dependence is not always unhealthy and sometimes one needs to learn how to depend before they can learn to stand on their own. I know because I had this fear in the beginning of my therapy. I have since worked on this with my T and he now allows me to lean on him when I need to. I need to learn to step towards someone when I need something instead of running away or trying to handle everything alone as I was forced to do in childhood.
So perhaps in addition to the transference issue you could bring up your fear of being dependent on him and I would try (with his help) to wrangle some additional visits out of your insurance company because this may take more than 4 sessions to work on.
Please don't hesitate to ask any questions. We are here to help.