OW is so right about the trying to work it out with someone who is not the object of the tranference! I was so upset when my T refered me to another to work out my transference...it was devastating! First I had to spend time getting over that before I could start getting over him!!!..It is getting better though, but I still see him every week in the office...it's almost as if he plans it that way sometimes! I would suggest that you try to tell him and work it out with him....it has to be so much better that way. Good luck at your next session!! I missed my session last week and I feel like it has been a month. I can't wait to get back Tuesday. Yes, I still have very very very strong feelings for my old T...probably always will...but I am making progress and concentrating on my own marriage...let us know how it comes out...LOL..on paper, by mouth, whatever...just get it out!!!...it was the best advice I got from my friends here.
talk to you later, C