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Reply to "Transference II"

I have been reading this thread and have noticed that many of you have been a bit focused on the erotic aspect of transference.
I have been experiencing some transference problems but they are not of that type. My T is specifically trying to hit my anger buttons, she wants me to be angry at her just to expose my anger at those who have caused me such pain. The problem for that I know she is doing it and I won't play. She has actually told me that I MUST abuse her. What a strange conversation that has been. Eeker

Has anyone else had those types of transference issues in their therapy?
Just tossing out another question so that maybe we can be more aware of all kinds of transference.

I too want a "good mommy" and I'm aware of that. I don't see my T in that role but I think she sometimes wonders if I have that kind of transference issue with her. I don't believe that I do. In some ways she IS a lot like my mother. I don't think it is transference or projection. I just think she has some attributes that are strikingly similar to my mother. Nothing too deep about just is. In a way it is easier to deal with my "mommy" issues because she is a lot like her and I don't have the conflict, that transference often illuminates. I dunno...what do you think?