quote:Originally posted by soulfuldaze:
Hi Em...
I think what she is trying to do is let you know she has feelings for you too. Yes...it is counter-transference.
I think it's great that you threw a pillow at her!!! LOL...
Way to set your own boundary!!!That shows enormous strength, and possibly some anger about the referral?
Because you saw a reaction on her face...I think you have to talk to her about it and soon.
She is leaving to go to another job, dont know why or if i could possibly see her at her new job but it still is far too hard and i cant deal with it. Still have a lot to figure out about that.
Thats what i really wanted to know if ppl thought it was countertransference? it feels to me as if she is trying to blame my difficulty in accepting that she is leaving on some childhood traumas and my transference and abandonment issues. . . etc, when really its about her betrayal and misleading me, she was saying that she could help me until I didn't need her anymore and now shes changed all that because of another job.
It really comes back to expectations of the therapuetic relationship and what i need from her. I dont like the jugdements she has on me about this.
Its not transference when your angry and upset about the here and now only. I have maternal transference and i accept that when it is that, but this reaction is not about that.
edn of rant..