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Reply to "Transference II"


Its not transference when your angry and upset about the here and now only. I have maternal transference and i accept that when it is that, but this reaction is not about that.
end of rant..

Well...I have to agree with you on that. It sounds like you have good reason to be angry. Do you want to continue to see her? And if so, can you explore the possibility of seeing her at her new location?

I've had experiences both ways. I've moved with some T's. and I've also let some go. I've had 2 of them dump me in a hospital and disappear from my life. (One moved out of state...the other breached confidentiality and was afraid I would sue her...Oh...I wanted to talk to her, absolutely, but not sue her.) Ouch!!! That was not good. And not something I want to repeat that's for sure.

It will be interesting to hear how this all works out for you. It will be hard work for sure.
Please rant on. Wink