A month or so ago, one of my best friends asked if she could see my T and would I mind. I said no and gave the #. I was slightly hesitant, but I knew she only has $500 coverage so it would be short term.
Since then she's seen him a few times, and today called me at work to tell me he's squeezed her in Thurs at 10am b/c he's leaving for Florida next week. She chatted about him, made some comments on his therapy style, said he commented that he's not surprised her and I are friends etc.
Well, This bugs me. My appt is ALSO on Thurs at 11am, so essentially me and my best friend will bypass each other in the waiting room.
I am NOT cool with that.
I do not like to mix my therapy life and social life.
So I phoned him, my T and left a message saying exactly that. That if he can reschedule, cool, but if not, I will see him in 2 weeks when he's back.
I KNOW he won't reschedule her....her coverage runs out this week (oh..she got fired too), but I've been seeing him a YEAR and she's seen him twice, I hate that I had to be the one to miss out.
I also haven't mentioned to my g/f that I'm not happy with her seeing him now, I don't think she'd get it. She thought she should wait around for me to finish my appt and we'd do lunch. frig that.
So I'm anxiously awaiting him to call me back, probably tomorrow at work. I'm so upset I wont' see him this week I feel like bawling, and I"m so upset that he's getting along with her so well. She's really cute and pretty and skinny and perfect. Man magnet.
I should have NEVER given her his #.
Anyhow, thanks for the vent. I'm feeling horrid.