There is a better solution and you can discuss this with your T when he calls you. Ask him to make sure her appointment is strictly 45-50 minutes and she is out of there before you arrive. You arrive exactly at your appointment time and will miss her. (Why should you give up an appointment that you truly need and you are also the long term relationship with him. Unless... are you trying to avoid talking about transference with him? We can come up with all kinds of reasons to avoid our T's when scary stuff is bubbling up inside of us.) All you have to tell your T is that you feel uncomfortable seeing your friend leave as you arrive for your session. He will understand this. Then tell your friend that lunch will have to wait for another day because you need to be alone after your session to "process" or that you have another appointment for lunch that day.
Please don't stress over comparisons of her to yourself. You are you which is wonderful and special. And nothing is going to happen between your friend and your T...it can't... so put that out of your mind.
So please don't be upset. I know it's hard enough when our T's go on vacation or we can't see them for a few weeks so don't add this to your worries.
Keep us posted on this.