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Reply to "Transference II"

hi guys:
sorry i've been away for awile. too many classes this semester for an old woman. haha. i'm a fruitcake today. i told you that we ended my sessions last month cause i was doing so good. i know there will stil be bad days and all, goes:
I so freaking mad that my T never treated me the way you all talk about yours!!he would be all concerned one day, then at my next session it was like i was sitting there with my parents after i'd done something wrong!!! so what's up with that? and why do i care now? because the transference issue apparently doesn't go away when the sessions are over!!!i feel so stupid and so childish right now. can't believe i'm even posting this. i spoke with my T this week (about another client appt, not about me) and all THIS JUNK has surfaced just from that one little has-nothing-to-do-with-me chat!!! i feel like such a LOSER!!! why do i still feel like this? and when will it GO AWAY??????