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Reply to "Transference II"

(((((AJB))))) <--That's cause I missed you and it's good to hear from you.

(((((AJB))))) <--That's because I'm sorry you're going through such a hard time.

You know what i think about transeference? .................................................. IT SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You know what I think about therapy rigt now? ............................................................ IT SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now that's out of the way I am not surprised that transference doesn't just go away when your sessions end. At least not this soon, though I don't blame you for wanting them too. Are you sure it is transference, or are you just grieving? (Both?) I mean you're going to miss him, because this is a big shift. It is also possible that you're not as done as you thought you were. Perhaps there is more you need to work on in your attachment process. In case you didn't catch this before, but a year ago I was in the process of terminating my therapy because we thought I was in a good place and so we started the process as fr as talking about it and summing up my progress and reviewing some issues to see how they impatced me at the time. Every thing went accordingly...check, check, good, check. And then KABOOM! Intense grief and fear over took me and my T ended up saying something like "Attachment is your biggest trauma."

Sorry to be so depressing and discouraging. I hope that I am not. But I am quite melancoly myself right now, but I could not stop myslef from replying to you either. Feel free to use the good ol HTML slapper on me if you need to. You do still know how to use that now don't you?

Anyway, I hear your frustration. But AJB, it's ok to be where you are and feeling all of those feelings. It's ok to go back for a refresher session now and then...little booster sessions. That would have been in my termination plan. This is YOUR call. Tell him what YOU need, not what you think he wants to hear.

And stop calling my friend a loser! You're not a loser.
