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Reply to "Transference II"


i read stuff on here all the time that sounds JUST LIKE what i am feeling or experiencing at the time. it's funny how just knowing you're not alone makes it easier to bear, huh? well, i just wanted to tell you to go ahead and just say whatever's on your mind. TRUST ME: you'll feel a whole lot better if you just let it out!!!

Thanks so much for all your kind words. i had decided with my husband that i don't need anymore regularly scheduled sessions but that i should talk it over with my T. i don't remember exactly telling him in session that i was "finished" or whatever, but when the session was over, he (cautiously) said he didn't think i needed another scheduled session. he said that he was there if i should need him in the
in my sessions, he mostly just taught me assertiveness and about passiveness/aggressiveness and how to not be taken advantage of and how to effectively communicate with others(especially my husband). too bad i cannot communicate with the T!!! once he wrote stuff down and said at next session we would discuss setting boundaries, but we never did...
i don't know..... thanks again for your support.

i was in therapy about 5 months. saw him about twice per month. twice he asked me what did i come in for today, which made me feel stupid and like i was bothering him. but i didn't tell him that, of course (didn't want to be even more of a bother). i guess i didn't talk enough or something. i remember saying "I don't know" alot. once he mentioned the word "bipolar" which freaked me out. i am not bipolar (and he didn't exactly say i was, but i am a nurse and it totally hit a nerve)
and once he told me i have alot of "dependence". he said he could "see it all over" me.
i live in a very small town(which he comes to once per week to work)and i just don't want to look like a fool if i go back and nothing happens. you know, if he says "what are you back for?" or if i go and get nowhere again. although it isn't really fair to say i got nowhere because i really did. in fact i think the therapy might've saved my marriage.
oh, one more thing:
once he told me "this (therapy) isn't forever"
which made me think even more that i was a bother and he couldn't wait for me to terminate. i think that might've been the day i tuned it all out, now that i think about it. may have been the day i decided i was miraculously "cured", i don't know..........

thanks again!