I hear a lot of dissatisfaction from you. Perhaps he is a really good T, but he is not for you. You may need someone more attuned and less subtle in their approach. I know I do. And that is no slight on your part or his, it is that the two of you just don't mesh. For someone who plays such a significantly vital role in our lives he just doesn't seem to show up for you. It is nothing bad against him or you, there is just no chemsitry or connection and that is a must.
If I may add, if you are dealing with any type of trauma 5 months does not seem near long enough to have procesed anything completely. It takes longer than that to build a trusting realtionship with a T which is essential in your ability to work through the trauma(s).
I am so sorry I can't make this easier for you. I would if I could.