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Reply to "Transference II"

I had to wait a week, but I took your suggestion and talked to my T about how uncomfortable I feel allowing myself to feel dependent on her. It actually started a great discussion about the different levels of dependency we all have on people in our lives.
She told me it was alright to depend on her. I told my T I have a fear that she will terminate with me if I'm dependent on her. She said she would not terminate with me unless termination was something I brought up and we talked about it.

Hi Questing!
I'm so sorry but I missed this when it was posted, I certainly didn't mean to ignore you! That's awesome that you spoke to your T about your feelings of dependency. It's really scary to bring this stuff up and it was very brave of you to go there. I'm really happy that you got such a great reaction, she sounds like a wonderful T. And getting that reassurance that you won't be sent away is not only really good to hear, it was really important for me. I think I was scared if I got better I would have to go away so I didn't always want to get better. My T told me (more than once, bless him) that I was welcome to come for as long as I wanted to, he would never ask me to leave. After I heard that, it felt safe to really work on my issues. I'm so glad that you have that security.

Again, my apologies for missing the post!

Do you need the HTML slapper? Big Grin
