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Reply to "Transference II"

That's really wonderful! You know you have a good therapist when they're willing to own up to their mistakes and take responsibility for their behavior. And I love that she didn't try to cover it up. I don't know about you, but I was told that white was black too many times a s a kid. I don't need my T telling me that what I picked up on wasn't true when it was.

But I'm glad you didn't let her off the hook too easily either. She is responsible for the integrity of those boundaries and she made a bad call on that one. But being able to repair the relationship after thoses kinds of disruptions really strengtens it.

I'm also really happy that she was able to be so reassuring about not sending you away. You need that security. And trust me I understand about the 100+. Sometimes, I have a picture of my T being in a nursing home and me sitting next to his bed for a session. Big Grin (He's 12 years older than me.) We'll get there and hopefully while we can still remember what we learned. Big Grin

Thanks for talking about your appt. And I can certainly understand why you love her. It would be extremely difficult not to.
