Hello my friends!

Charlotte is holding her own...well almost!!

I didn't have a session this past Tuesday and I feel like I haven't seen my T's office in a year!!

I thought I would go crazy that day...I literally wasted a whole afternoon because I have been going every week for a year or so...I didn't know what to do with my extra time!

Anyway, I have tried to think of a million reasons to call her...or old Mr. T pretending to leave a message for her but I regained my poise before I actually did it!!

I have made a few strides that I feel like are milestones for ole Charlotte! I took my old Mr T's name out of my cell phone and put in Ms T's.

I also took his last name I was using for a password and changed it to my grandaughter's name!!

I even went on the web and gave him a five star rating on his services as a T...anonymous of course!!

and when I wanted t call and listen to his recording on his answering machine this week....I just texted my Ms. T and told her how much weight I had lost so far on my new diet plan we divised together!! (7 Pounds)

So I guess I really am making progress even if it only seems like minimal things to others...It was a great deal for me...Still having some medical problems...

...but hey..Rome wasn't built in a day right??
As far as the concern over possible transferring my transference feelings to my pastor and massage T...I think I have managed to escape it for the most part...my massage T is not as risky as I thought at first...although I told my friend jokingly the other day that the "little frenchman" that gave me my back massages would be a "little french whore" if I was 100 pounds lighter and 10 years younger!!LOL

But I have several male friends there (young enough to be my sons) that I joke and carry on with and he has begun to feel more like a brother to me than anything else. (Now I just gotta keep telling myself that..

) My pastor on the other hand....I have been texting him and talking to him daily, but I think he is more of a father figure to me in my mind now...he is constantly reminding me that I am one of his church members and he is suppose to watch out for me...and help me out. I am trying very hard to remember that!

But why does he have to look so darn good????
How have you guys been doing?? I have been reading the forum as much as I can...and am sorry I haven't been more social, but sometimes I have Dr. appointments everyday of the week, and my meds make me so tired...PL I am glad your session went so well this week, I think it was awesome that she held your hand...if my Mr. T had held my hand in session...I'd probably be in divorce court right now...guess that's why he didn't!!
JM and AG..HOWDY!! hope you are all fine...everyone else...Charlotte sends out a big HELLO and hope you all are fine...have a great weekend every body!!...my sleeping meds are kicking in and the keys are starting to wiggle around on my keyboard

See ya, C