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Reply to "Transference II"

P.L. : WOW!! Your Tdoc held your hand?? That is like my dream come true. She really sounds great, I'm so glad she is SO connected and honest with you. And good for you for not backing down.
Charlotte: those are huge strides, huge. I am very impressed you were able to do those small things, baby steps seem to be the way.

I had my tdoc appt yesterday. I haven't been missing him, but then we went and had this totally intense session, I just emotionally vomited all over him and told him some heavy childhood stuff...and he cried, just a few tears, which just KILLS me. He really really does care, I can tell how involved he is with me.
SO, it was supposed to be my last session. He said he feels I have 'unresolved issues' and doens't want me to stop coming, we figured out a way to get my insurance to cover things (he's actually going to lie and backdate an invoice) but thats another story. He knows I'm a single mom and can't afford it, plus he's offered to see me for free...but how many times can I do THAT without guilt.
Here is the kicker. He's really disorganized and scattered by nature. He has a hard time keeping up with paperwork, invoicing, bookings.
He said to me "It's really too bad we have this patient/Dr. relationship, because I would love to hire you to work for me".
I work in an office billing doctors all day long so he knows I know my stuff. But say that. It was almost like he wanted me to say "I don't think our relationship would be an issue" but I didn't. Because it would. I'd want to bust the door down to his office and shag him on that couch just about daily.
I continually sugar coat the truth and talk about my transference as in a 'father' role with him. But its not. Clearly. sigh.

Thanks for updates everyone...I love seeing how others are doing!
Happy Friday