Charlotte: those are huge strides, huge. I am very impressed you were able to do those small things, baby steps seem to be the way.
I had my tdoc appt yesterday. I haven't been missing him, but then we went and had this totally intense session, I just emotionally vomited all over him and told him some heavy childhood stuff...and he cried, just a few tears, which just KILLS me. He really really does care, I can tell how involved he is with me.
SO, it was supposed to be my last session. He said he feels I have 'unresolved issues' and doens't want me to stop coming, we figured out a way to get my insurance to cover things (he's actually going to lie and backdate an invoice) but thats another story. He knows I'm a single mom and can't afford it, plus he's offered to see me for free...but how many times can I do THAT without guilt.
Here is the kicker. He's really disorganized and scattered by nature. He has a hard time keeping up with paperwork, invoicing, bookings.
He said to me "It's really too bad we have this patient/Dr. relationship, because I would love to hire you to work for me".
I work in an office billing doctors all day long so he knows I know my stuff. But say that. It was almost like he wanted me to say "I don't think our relationship would be an issue" but I didn't. Because it would. I'd want to bust the door down to his office and shag him on that couch just about daily.
I continually sugar coat the truth and talk about my transference as in a 'father' role with him. But its not. Clearly. sigh.
Thanks for updates everyone...I love seeing how others are doing!
Happy Friday