Welcome to the boards, I'm glad you've found it. Transference can feel pretty crazy, I know what a relief it is to find out you're not the only one.
Don't feel like you have to tell your T everything at once. The first time I talked to my T was to tell him that I was feeling attracted to him (he was my husband's T first and we were seeing him for marital counseling at the time.) As I've continued to work with him, I've been able to tell him more and more, but each time was based on the fact that the previous time I told him something he reacted so well, with acceptance and understanding so that I felt safer telling him more. That way I worked up to the biggies.

I know its scary to do but its really good to talk about. It's often in our interactions with our therapist that we can really see how we relate and what we want to change.