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Reply to "Transference II"


Welcome! I'm new, too, as of 2 days ago.

I agree with everyone else. Take it slow. You say, "it seems to me that it is a little inappropriate to tell. . ." If it feels inappropriate, then don't say it. Let your own conscience be the judge. You say, "I feel he deserves for me to be a little more honest than that." Don't talk about it for him; talk about it for you. If you don't want to talk about it for you, then don't do it, if you need to talk about it for you, then do it. That's just my 2 cents worth.

I have major transference issues of the mom variety with my T. I don't tell her everything I feel about it, because it feels so shameful. She knows what's going on. I don't need to give her every detail. But when I talk about it a little, it helps it not to feel so weird. Once, I said to her, "I realized that I'm not the only one who is vulnerable in this relationship. You're mothering me, and to do that, you have to care about me, and open up, and be vulnerable." She said, "You're right. It's real. If it wasn't, you would be able to tell, then it wouldn't be effective." That made me feel better, like I'm not alone in this, even though I know she's not obsessed with me.

I'm only seeing her once this week when I usually see her twice. It's killing me. I need her so much. She just called out of the blue to check in on me, which was so sweet. I'm so angry that her family gets to have her and I don't. Sometimes that feeling is so strong that it makes me want to quit therapy. It's just not fair!