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Reply to "Transference II"

I don't want to have this need to rely on her for anything beyond what is reasonable.

Does any of this make sense?

That depends a lot on what is reasonable. What I always thought was a reasonable, professional relationship with my T has been constantly challenged through my experiences with her. Breaking down the walls leaves me vulnerable and I am thankful she knows this and knows how hard it is to feel like a child and struggle with being attached to this not-quite-a-friend but not-quite-a-stranger person and accommodates it as must as possible. In fact she often offers me more than I thought was possible for her to give. For example, I once expressed how I wish I could call her everyday and she said "why not?" All I could think of to say is that it didn't sound reasonable to me. She then said that it did sound reasonable to her. So, what you may think is reasonable may not be what your T thinks is reasonable. But you don't know unless you ask. T's don't volunteer a whole lot of information out of the blue. I hate having to ask about all of this stuff all of the time but it is definitely stretching muscles that haven't been much used.