Hi Everyone! Just dropping in to say hello...Hope you all are fine and seeing good results in your sessions. I have to say I am making progress...have come a long way, but still have a ways to go...Most everyone knows my story with my old Mr. T and how he ditched me when I told him of my transference....now I see a Ms. T in his office...well I guess he feels guilty about that because my insurance says I had met my # of eligble visits....well he told the secretary to tell me...that I was not to worry I would not be billed for any services beyond that...no matter how long it took!!!...He loves me...I knew it!

...but I am progressing greatly...beyond that and was actually able to pass him in the hallway and say hello & ask him how he was doing...smiled...and kept right on walking!! Have a great Easter...talk to you soon...Charlotte
PS Tina, Hello nice to meet you...I'm not sure if there is such a thing as a safe touch hug in a transferenc situation!!...when I was so deep in my transference with Mr. T...if he had even thought about hugging me...I would have surely touched him....and he would not have been safe!!