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Reply to "Transference II"


I’m new to this website. I only discovered this site about 2 weeks ago and I am constantly amazed at the insight some of the members here have!

I have a question and wondering if anyone can give me advice / thoughts / opinions.....

Just by way of background, I have been seeing my wonderful T for just under 4 years and we have worked through some major stuff together. I feel I am now dealing in therapy with one final area (but by no means small area!) - which is self-esteem. I feel this question belongs in this “transference” topic because I feel in many ways our issues are often interlinked (ie: transference, attachment issues, unmet needs as a child, self-esteem issues).

My question though is....

What is the end goal of therapy??

Is it that we can now meet our inner childhood needs by providing them to ourselves?; or
Is it that we accept the failings of our parents but can move on – no longer blaming them?; or
Is it as basic as being kind to ourselves?

I am not about to finish therapy anytime soon. I am just wondering what your take is on the topic regarding the end of our therapy journeys

Thanks for reading and I look forward to any words of wisdom!

I’m OK