That's a tricky question! I think it depends on what brought you to therapy in the first place, and whether you had any specific goals.
With me, I had reached a crossroads in my therapy. I could either start moving towards different issues then ending my therapy or I could go back and pick up the issues i wasn't able to deal with earlier on, and try again. But since i had got to a point where they aren't bothering me so much anymore, I didn't want to risk delving back into them (since last time i attempted suicide and was almost hospitalized). So I feel i am moving forward in the right way for me.
So i guess the end goal is a personal one, and it can change throughout the therapy process. Mine certainly has. The things i still want to work on aren't easy fixes though... self-esteem, rejection, trust, relationships. So I think i'm in the same boat as you there! By the end of my therapy, I want to believe I am a lovable person, feel deserving of happiness, and... well i am not sure yet. But there's more!
What do you feel like your end goal is?
Ooh and where in Australia are you from? If you don't mind me asking - i'm from brissie.