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Reply to "Transference II"

I was so happy to find this discussion, and to find that I'm not the only one who has experienced this. I developed a huge crush on my counselor/therapist. My life revolved around her, and I was enmeshed -- couldn't see myself as a separate person from her. I recently chose to see a different therapist because of this; we didn't have very clear boundaries. I felt very defective because of this whole situation. I didn't know anyone else who had gone through this.

I experienced huge grief as I left my old counselor -- and still experience grief sometimes, after 6 weeks or so. I now see myself as a separate person, and feel like I'm getting healthier. Have better boundaries with my new therapist. He's actually the one who told me that this was transference -- and it was a moment of epiphany. I had forgotten about transference -- and that this is really normal, and part of the therapeutic process. I felt so much better after I read everybody else's similar experiences -- so thanks everybody for sharing!