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Reply to "transference talk, not so good this time"

I am dealing with some difficult stuff that has to do with my four year old daughter ... They told me yesterday they want to put her on medication for bipolar and I am so confused about whether to let them or not. My first instinct is to say no way.

Pippi, I'm so sorry that you are having to go through this. Four is so young and I certainly understand your reservations about medication. I can only imagine how you must be struggling with this decision. I hope that your p can offer you some help with this.

For me dissociating feels like kind of an out of body experience. I know what I am saying and doing but its like Im kind of watching myself do it instead of being there inside of myself doing. Its almost like I am on the outside maybe even looking in a window watching what is going on. Things start feeling hazy and and I even feel numb. Its the feeling that I have always longed for when I am cutting because I get the numb feeling to block out the anxiety, anger or depression and it its like I am no longer in me dealing with the problems going on, I can just watch from a distant. I just didnt expect it to happen during a session and almost wish it hadnt.

Thanks for sharing this with me. I really appreciate your explanation of what this experience is like for you. I really think you were very courageous in your last session- I hope you know that. Keep us informed! Is it another 6 weeks before your next session?
